Not only could this be achieved by a saturator designated for that purpose, but it’s also possible with old gear like a tape machine or vintage tube compressor. It does this by adding harmonic color and compression. ‘Keep Low’ is the polar opposite, with a more concentrated saturation/distortion character in the high end (high frequencies) while keeping the red frequencies relatively pure, whereas ‘Neutral’ would apply saturation to the full frequency spectrum without a specific strategy. A good analog saturator can really help shape the tone of a mix, bus or single instrument track. The massive central ‘SATURATION’ knob adds saturation, and it also has three modes or types of Saturation character: ‘Keep High’ has a saturation and distortion quality that is primarily focused on the bottom end (low frequencies) while keeping the high frequencies intact. As you turn the knob clockwise, it moves from ‘off’ to ‘adding a little color, to ‘completely distorting’ whatever signal you’re feeding it. There is only one major Saturation dial on it. Saturation Knob is one of the most straightforward saturation plugins available its name tells it all. It’s great for enhancing drums and bass lines, and it can even give sparkle to vocals (if used appropriately or creatively).

The Saturation knob plugin, as its name implies, is an effect that adds character to your audio files by fattening them through analog-style saturation (adding harmonics).
This update also included Saturation Knob, a popular free plugin. Softube launches Harmonics, a new plugin with 5 different distortion options that analyzes the audio to respect the transients and focus its action on the harmonic part. Softube has updated its plugin library with the addition of ‘extended features’, which improves integrated control and workflow.